You Don't Know Me from My Instagram

My husband thinks I’m a highly emotional person. Pregnancy has probably upped his feelings on this topic, but it never ceases to make me laugh because I truly doubt that most of the people in my life would describe me as emotional. Especially in business, I rarely let my true emotions fly - it’s just not in my nature.

In my inner circle of friends, I typically let 1-2 people into a seriously stressful or taxing situation when I’m dealing with it in real time. For the rest of my inner circle, I often share my feelings when I’m done processing things or have more of a plan. I know the value of vulnerability, but I’m not one who’s vulnerable for the masses. Typically, Ross, my mom, and those 1-2 other friends get the highly “emotional” side of Griffin, and everyone else gets a watered down version. I don’t plan for it to be this way, it just is my method. I need to be transparent with someone, everyone does, but I’ve never believed that your rawest self needs to be broadcasted.

And yet, I lead what most would consider to be a relatively public life because of my Instagram, blog, and businesses. I don’t take my influence lightly, and I am very conscious of what and how I share across different platforms. Nothing is done without strategy, which means that I have taken the time to study what attracts (or repels) me to different social media personalities because I know that vulnerability sells and has the highest level of impact. Over the past 9 years, I’ve shared some extremely raw and honest things on this site and on my daily IG stories/posts, and I’ve meant every one of them, but hear me when I say that no one knows me from the small snippets I’m choosing to make public.

Social media cannot replace human connection and the intentionality behind asking real questions. If you feel “caught up” with a friend or family member because of their Instagram, I can guarantee that you’re missing out.

I’ve been off Instagram this week as part of a fast that my church is doing. Everyone was challenged to do a food fast, but since I’m pregnant, I had to think outside of the box. It’s given me time to think about how I engage with others and how they engage with me via IG. Because I am an “influencer”, I know the behind the scenes of the biz, and I don’t assume that I know anyone because of their social media presence, but I don’t think that most people feel that way. I believe that a lot of people assume that daily posts suffice as daily updates, but I can tell you that I don’t have a single friend who shares the most important pieces of their story in tiny squares.

I share this post because stepping away from social media, even for just a few days, makes me realize how dangerous it is to assume instead of ask. If there are people in your life that you feel disconnected from, your ability to text, call, and engage is irreplaceable, and it’s not something that should be taken lightly. For any of us, if we allow too much time to pass without reaching out, we’re going to lose our window and our relational equity in a lot of spaces where we need to be present. If you’re allowing Instagram to be your source of news in your friends’s lives, dig deeper.